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Blue Sage Smudge Stick

Blue Sage Smudge Stick

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Blue Sage is an herb that has many benefits, including cleansing and healing. Use Blue Sage to replace White Sage, or to boost it's powers. It's also great for rituals, with it's calming effect on spirit, mind & soul.  It’s not as pungent as White Sage, and is more agreeable to some folks who find the strong, bracing scent of White Sage overpowering.


Blue Sage also known as "Grandmother Sage” it is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications. Blue Sage is widely used for cleansing and purification purposes, it provides spiritual strength and sometimes it is also used during exorcism rituals as well to remove the malevolent spirits.


How to use:


Make sure your windows are open to allow any negative energy to flow out. Begin at your front door with a smudge stick, setting your intentions for the positive energy you want to invite into your home. Light the smudge stick and blow out the flame once it starts to produce smoke. Start by smudging yourself, allowing the smoke to drift down your body, then move through each room. Waft the smoke into every corner and over all doors. Complete the ritual by returning to the front of the house, ensuring that every part of your space has been energetically cleared.

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